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Quais características os materiais de impressão de embalagens devem ter?

2024-08-06 08:00

What characteristics should packaging printing materials have?

After packaging, the goods are required to protect the goods, prevent quality changes, and ensure quality. This is the most basic, and after printing, they must also beautify the goods, explain the goods, and promote the goods. Only in this way can the packaging be meaningful. It is precisely for this reason that packaging box printing becomes more and more important! In the entire circulation process, the goods must go through packaging, transportation, sales and other links. In each link, the packaging materials are required to have corresponding characteristics. Only such packaging is enough to win the trust and recognition of customers. So what characteristics should packaging printing materials have?


1. Protective performance

First of all, the packaging material must have a certain strength to protect the goods! Different goods have different requirements for packaging materials. For example, food packaging materials must fully comply with food packaging hygiene standards. That is, the packaging materials must not migrate toxic substances, be non-toxic, odorless, and have no peculiar smell. In addition, the nature of the contents must be clarified. For moisture-proof packaging, vacuum packaging and inflatable packaging, it is necessary to have the function of blocking water vapor and oxygen in the environment from penetrating into the packaging bag and preventing the inert gas in the bag from escaping. For the packaging of quick-frozen vegetables and frozen foods, it is necessary to have the performance of low-temperature freezing resistance. For the packaging of microwave sterilized foods and the packaging materials used to make cooking bags, it is required to have the function of high-temperature cooking resistance without shrinking and deforming. For the packaging of oily foods, it is required to have airtightness, oil resistance and UV penetration resistance. For skin packaging and shrink packaging, the plastic film is required to have a certain shrinkage tension. For the packaging of tea, tablets, biscuits, etc., it is necessary to have a high degree of moisture resistance, airtightness and light shielding to maintain its original flavor, etc. This is also the most basic function. If this function cannot be achieved, then the packaging is completely unnecessary and meaningless!

2. Operational performance

For plastic packaging printing materials, first of all, it must have printability, or the printing fastness problem can be solved after pretreatment. It is also required to have a certain rigidity and stiffness, be able to adapt to automatic packaging by packaging machinery, adapt to heat sealing machinery sealing and bag making, and be easy to fill with items and easy to open.

3. Delivery and storage performance

The packaging should have a certain compressive strength and not be easily damaged when subjected to general pressure in the circulation field. The shape of the packaging should be easy to stack and take up less space.

4. Promotional performance

The packaging style and color should be novel, and the decoration and printing colors should be bright and generous, in line with the preferences of the sales area and have market competitiveness. In addition, it is also required to be free of static electricity to avoid dust pollution.

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